Our Team

Competence, which creates trust!

We are a highly specialised team of neurologists and a psychiatrist with many years of experience in the treatment of neurological diseases. With the systematic assessment of your medical condition, we lay the foundation for an individual and successful treatment. Our focus lies on first-class medical performance as well as your well-being. We take time for you and listen attentively!

Medical specialists

Reto Agosti, M.D.
CEO and Chief Medical Officer Headache Centre Hirslanden
Neurologist, FMH
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Julius Hodak, M.D.
Deputy Chief Medical Officer Headache Centre Hirslanden
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Dr. med. Judith Brunn
Fachärztin für Neurologie, FMH
Master of Public Health (MPA)
Zertifizierte Gutachterin SIM
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Michaela Sieger-Tonder, M.D.
Neurologist FMH
Certified Reviewer SIM
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Anamaria Ungureanu, M.D.
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Hans Schnorf, M.D.
Neurologist, FMH
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Diana R. Mircea, M.D.
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Dipl. Arzt Christian Kühne
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Practice administration and medical care

Marina Santos
Head of medical administration, MPA
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Marita Hug
Head of medical administration, Accounting
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Catrina Gander
Medical practice assistant, MPA
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Nava Neururer
Medical practice assistant, MPA
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Dalia Huschbacht
Medical practice assistant, MPA
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Joana Calza
Medical practice assistant, MPA
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Edith Wyder
Medical-technical Assistant Electroencephalography (EEG)
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Clinical Research Studies

Claudia Gübelin – De Campo, M.D.
Head Clinical Research Studies and Senior Clinical Research Physician
Physician in Pharmaceutical Medicine, FMH
Physician in Pediatrics, FMH
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Operational Management and Migraine Association

Patrick Leresche
Operational Management
Member of the Executive Management
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Lic. phil. Barblina Roth
Head of Communication & Marketing
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Marita Hug
The Swiss Migraine Research Association
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